6 Up Club Entry Form |
Please enter me in the W.R.F.C. "6 UP CLUB" My numbers are: · I would like to pay by Standing order (The Club’s preferred option)
" ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Standing Order Form (where appropriate) To: .…………………………………………………Bank, Sort Code:…………….... Branch address:…………..……………………………………………………………. Account name: …………………………………………………………………… Account no: …………………………………… Please set up the following standing order and debit my account accordingly. Payee: Wellingborough Rugby Football Club Bank and Branch Name: National Westminster Bank PLC, Wellingborough Account no: 96812559 Sort Code: 55-70-37 Reference: Amount: £4 (Four pounds only) Frequency: On the 1st monthly, until further notice. Commencing on the 1st …………………… 200… Customer’s Signature:……………………………………………………………………………. |
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